Before you get to know us, it is important to note that LG and I have different lounging habits. I busy myself with far too much so I get less quality lounging time than she does, but I consider myself to lounge extremely hard in the allotted lounging time that I do have even though it’s not much at all. LG, on the other hand, is a seasoned professional - on the west coast where I’m originally from (hence my innate lounging-oriented nature), lifestyles tend to be more laidback and lounge friendly so there is more opportunity for practice... you can imagine that as a finance/math student with far too much extracurricular involvement that fitting a solid daily lounge in might be a struggle. Furthermore, I live in Quebec, and French people hate lounging, so that cramps my style as well. Cases in point:
Jean Chretien: Most uptight buddy in the world.
Jacques Cartier: He, like, discovered Canada or some shit... clearly not a lounger.
Celine Dion: Posing as an Anglophone lounger. Don't let that fool you.
Further to our geographical differences, LG and I also lounge in very different attire - as you can see from her previous post, she’s more about the leggings but I dig the classic PJ pants for solo lounging. I’ll have more on my PJs soon. Enough about us - all of that suffices to say that although we have different lounging styles, we lounge amazingly together. All right, enough lounging for me... back to the real world (actually the real one, sadly not the MTV lounging-inducing variety). Happy Friday!!
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