Sunday, 20 March 2011
How to Lounge While Sick
2. Nourish. Fact: ethnic foods have natural antioxidants. Or maybe I made that up. Either way, Thai Express yellow curry is a staple... Hogya Sharabi.
3. Spectate. Scope out hottie players including several LBs (LG's favourite) while watching some NCAA March Madness (by far, the most exciting way to lounge as the blossoms begin to bloom).
Get well soon!
Monday, 14 March 2011
How not to lounge

Friday, 11 March 2011
Lib vs. Bib
The library is a place that is quite a bit more studious although it depends what floor you’re on. Sometimes you will catch students sleeping on desks or finding some comfy chairs in the basement and falling asleep. This is a good alternative if you need a quick nap but don’t have time to go all the way home. Its all about the style of chair you sit in. cushioned chairs are more lounging-friendly wheras cubicle desks with hard chairs make you want to hurry up and study so you can get the hell out of there.
All in all, I like to distinguish between the two as follows: lib is for work and bib is for lounging. How do YOU like to lounge in the lib vs bib?
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Some pics
I have noticed that these blog posts have all been very wordy lately, so I decided to dive into some old photo albums and gather a bunch of pictures of how my friends and I like to lounge!

Lounging is always more enjoyable in groups. As you can see in this photo, we are all comfortably dressed in sweatsuits and have an abundance of blankets and pillows to ensure we were comfortable at all times. This was in the living room so the tv, computers, food and water was accessible at all times!

Productive Lounging
Today, I didn't feel like going to the library so I engaged in what I like to call "productive lounging" right here in the comfort of my own apartment. Productive lounging entails, as the name would suggest, getting things done while lounging hard. Genius.
A Few Ways I like to engage in productive lounging:
- Blowdry Lounging (blowdry using one hand, computer on lap, scroll through US weekly online with other hand)
- Laundry Lounging (put laundry in washer, lounge, move clothes to dryer, lounge, take out of dryer)
- TV Lounging (currently watching America's Next Great Restaurant while blogging - so productive!)
Here is what I am lounging in tonight:

I am modelling the classic American Apparel hoodie in "Purple", a red McGill t-shirt only available at the exclusive "McGill Bookstore" on McTavish Street, and my favourite cheap black leggings from some random boutique in Soho. Although you can't see them, my feet are cozy in classic Champion socks - a Costco necessity. I tried to find out where you guys could purchase these online while lounging in case you wanted in on the trend, but when I searched, this is what came up. Thanks search engine, i WAS looking for docks now that you mention it...
My previously mentioned beloved PJ pants are in the wash (read: laundry lounging) which is why I'm not wearing them tonight, for those readers who might have been wondering. Back to less productive lounging... more to come soon!
Friday, 4 March 2011
TGIF... Let the Lounging Begin!
Before you get to know us, it is important to note that LG and I have different lounging habits. I busy myself with far too much so I get less quality lounging time than she does, but I consider myself to lounge extremely hard in the allotted lounging time that I do have even though it’s not much at all. LG, on the other hand, is a seasoned professional - on the west coast where I’m originally from (hence my innate lounging-oriented nature), lifestyles tend to be more laidback and lounge friendly so there is more opportunity for practice... you can imagine that as a finance/math student with far too much extracurricular involvement that fitting a solid daily lounge in might be a struggle. Furthermore, I live in Quebec, and French people hate lounging, so that cramps my style as well. Cases in point:
Jean Chretien: Most uptight buddy in the world.
Jacques Cartier: He, like, discovered Canada or some shit... clearly not a lounger.
Celine Dion: Posing as an Anglophone lounger. Don't let that fool you.
Further to our geographical differences, LG and I also lounge in very different attire - as you can see from her previous post, she’s more about the leggings but I dig the classic PJ pants for solo lounging. I’ll have more on my PJs soon. Enough about us - all of that suffices to say that although we have different lounging styles, we lounge amazingly together. All right, enough lounging for me... back to the real world (actually the real one, sadly not the MTV lounging-inducing variety). Happy Friday!!
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Favourite lounge attire

I am wearing some Forever 21 Harem lounge pants, a Forever 21 classic tank top (in olive green) and my favourite Grandpa slippers (they're hard to find, I got them in the states!) The pants are my absolute favourite, they have an elastic waist, tapered ankles and even have pockets. Perfect for a day lounging at home! For all you avid loungers, you can purchase all this on the website Happy Lounging!
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
LG welcomes all loungers!
Hello all! LG here, I would like to welcome all you avid readers to our new blog, and I am really looking forward to being your new homepage, bookmark, guilty pleasure or whatever our blog means to you! I am really looking forward to spending my lounging time working hard updating this blog, informing you all on how you can become loungers just like us. Blog posts will include tips on how to lounge, some descriptions of good lounge sessions I’ve had, some good loungewear and where to buy, some tv shows I enjoy, and I will obviously update you all on how much time I’ve spent lounging daily!
I will start with a brief definition of “lounge”, for those of you who may not be familiar with the term or action of lounging.
Lounge (lounging) v. – to act or move idly or lazily, to pass time idly.
For my first post, I’d like to give you all a little introduction to lounging and what it means to me. I have always been a fan of lounging but recently in the past while I have become overwhelmed with school and I find a good way to de-stress is to lounge hard. Also the older and wiser I get, the worse my hangovers become, therefore the entire next day is spent lounging. What exactly can you consider lounging? Lounging can be anything from watching tv, surfing the internet, reading our blog, napping or just hanging out with good company in a relaxed setting. Lounging activities are always up to the lounger! My number one tip: keep it casual.
This was just a short intro just to get the ball rolling for all you aspiring loungers. I will do a post soon on my favourite lounge attire. Loungers must always be in comfortable yet stylish attire! Can’t wait.
Just Lounging at the Lib
My first post will tell you how to effectively lounge at the library without looking like you're doing so. Because seriously, for those of us who go to legitimate universities, the last thing you want when you're studying is to see is buddy across from you watching Y&R reruns with the volume too loud (engineers are weird).
Ways to Successfully Lounge at the Library:
1. Pick a seat where your back is facing the wall; ie you are facing the middle of the room. This way, nobody can see how hard you're lounging on your computer, and you can people watch (a great lounging activity).
2. If you're f-book lounging, don't scope peoples' pages that go to your school. Rookie mistake, but we see it happen all too often. Safety first.
3. Take off you shoes or boots. Seriously. Nobody can see your feet under that table and it makes a long day at the lib feel like you're just loungin at home. Try it out.
4. Find yourself a cozy spot at the Education library. They don't do real work, so they're ALWAYS lounging - you'll fit right in!
5. Find a library with good light. If you're lounging too hard and the place isn't well lit, your lounge will likely turn into a public spectacle of a nap especially if it's late at night. Use caution.
Let us know - How do YOU like to lounge at the library?